imBTC is an Ethereum token that represents 1:1 the value of bitcoin. Holders can mint, exchange, redeem, and receive the income on imBTC from the Tokenlon platform. Users could always buy imBTC with BTC or ERC20 tokens as well as redeem your BTC with imBTC. And holding imBTC will earn users a part of Tokenlon's imBTC trading fees which currently accounts for an annual yield of 1.82%.
imBTC is an Ethereum token that represents 1:1 the value of bitcoin. Holders can mint, exchange, redeem, and receive the income on imBTC from the Tokenlon platform. Users could always buy imBTC with BTC or ERC20 tokens as well as redeem your BTC with imBTC. And holding imBTC will earn users a part of Tokenlon's imBTC trading fees which currently accounts for an annual yield of 1.82%.