Idle V4
Idle is a decentralized rebalancing protocol that allows users to automatically and algorithmically manage their digital asset allocation among different third-party DeFi protocols. You can choose to maximize your interest rate returns through our MaxYield strategy or minimize your risk exposure through our RiskAdjusted allocation strategy. The most interesting part is Idle can automatically rebalances across different platforms based on user's target. Idle also has made its rebalancing function public in the protocol level so every one can trigger it. Idle currently supports tokens like DAI, USDC and USDT.
Idle is a decentralized rebalancing protocol that allows users to automatically and algorithmically manage their digital asset allocation among different third-party DeFi protocols. You can choose to maximize your interest rate returns through our MaxYield strategy or minimize your risk exposure through our RiskAdjusted allocation strategy. The most interesting part is Idle can automatically rebalances across different platforms based on user's target. Idle also has made its rebalancing function public in the protocol level so every one can trigger it. Idle currently supports tokens like DAI, USDC and USDT.