Détails de la transaction
Hash de transaction
: 0xae924ee891ab641e25945dd39810e9d7ec7d5d8e93b449b1df3d4e32b76a0085
Type de Txn :
Proposition de candidature
Opération réussie
Bloc :
33 517 008 confirmations de blocs
Horodatage :
19/02/2021 13:55:27 (Il y a 4 ans 6 jours)
Action de transaction :
À partir de :
Vers :
Montant :
Frais de transaction :
< $0,01
Prix de gaz :
0,000000001 OKT (1 Gwei)
Limite de gaz & Usage par transaction:
348 190|247 426 (71,06 %)
Autres attributs :
Position dans le bloc :1
Données de saisie Cosmos :
{"proposer":"okexchain188dhgmaq8cka2yczzjfzsw0nely6y8uaseas37","initial_deposit":[{"amount":"10.000000000000000000","denom":"okt"}],"content":{"type":"okexchain/params/ParameterChangeProposal","value":{"ParameterChangeProposal":{"changes":[{"subspace":"farm","value":"false","key":"YieldNativeToken"}],"description":"The inflation rate of OKT is about 100% this year, and it is too high to keep our OKT ecosystem healthy. We believe close all farm whitelist pool is the best way to keep OKT price bullish in long-term. After closing OKT reward of all farm whitelist pool, the OKT for farming reward should be destroyed.","title":"To Close OKT Reward of Farm Whitelist Pool"},"height":"811500"}}}