A groundbreaking collaboration between Gucci and Superplastic, SUPERGUCCI is a three-part series of ultra-limited NFTs co-created by Gucci's Creative Director Alessandro Michele and synthetic artists Janky & Guggimon. Each NFT incorporates House codes found in the Gucci Aria collection, and comes with an exclusive 8-inch tall white ceramic SUPERGUCCI SuperJanky sculpture, hand-crafted by ceramicists in Italy. Limited to 500 made.
A groundbreaking collaboration between Gucci and Superplastic, SUPERGUCCI is a three-part series of ultra-limited NFTs co-created by Gucci's Creative Director Alessandro Michele and synthetic artists Janky & Guggimon. Each NFT incorporates House codes found in the Gucci Aria collection, and comes with an exclusive 8-inch tall white ceramic SUPERGUCCI SuperJanky sculpture, hand-crafted by ceramicists in Italy. Limited to 500 made.